Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ambition & Emotions

Dr. Faustus stands at the onset of the Renaissance period and the dawn of the middle ages as he contemplates the religious drama of his time. Indeed, during those medieval times, the understanding of heaven and hell was not far removed from the conceptual understanding of the occult. The play is lined with supernatural beings, angels and demons, which might have stepped onstage to clarify a major ambition in the medieval ages, the fervent pursuit of salvation. Indeed, this type of ambition is contrasted very well in the play Dr. Faustus, by the onset of the Renaissance period and the ambitions it provides.A quick overview of the Renaissance period shows that it was also the Age of Discovery; word has just reached Europe of the existence of exotic places in the ‘New World’. This Age of Discovery is responsible for the change in focus of ambitions from the ‘otherworldly’ of the medieval ages, to the more familiar ‘worldly’ ambitions of our times. We see Faustus, although moving to embrace worldly ambitions beset by mullings of the other world. For example he asks the demon Mephistopheles, FIRST WILL I QUESTION WITH THEE ABOUT HELL. TELL ME, WHERE IS THE PLACE THAT MEN CALL HELL (5.120–135) And later, after being given an explanation, he says, COME, I THINK HELL'S A FABLE. (5. 120–135) In fact these arguments seem to capture well the transition between the middle Ages and the Renaissance period since no neat dividing line exists. As Dr. Faustus encourages his ambition to focus on the opportunities presented by this so-called Age of discovery. His single-minded concern is with luxurious silk gowns and powerful war-machines than with saving his soul. This contrast between wealth and salvation must be understood from the standpoint that Dr.Faustus intends to acquire such wealth through an ambitious carrer5 in necromancy. Indeed, black magic seems to him as the only career that can match the scope of his ambition, t he subject that can challenge his enormous intellect. Being a scholar, he has mastered the major professions of his time. Specifically he claims to have mastered Law, medicine and theology, and he finds them all dissatisfying. Dr. Faustus finds that his huge ambitions have seemingly met their match as he ponders to dig deeper into necromancy. Faustus is full of ideas for how to use the power that he seeks.He imagines piling up great wealth, but he also aspires to plumb the mysteries of the universe and to remake the map of Europe. Though they may not be entirely admirable, these plans are ambitious and inspire awe, if not sympathy. They lend a grandeur to Faustus’s schemes and make his quest for personal power seem almost heroic, a sense that is reinforced by the eloquence of his early soliloquies. Ironically, Faustus’s ambition seems to sap as he realizes the initial goal of his ambitions, to master the dark powers of black magic.This is depicted from the way he speed ily narrows his horizons once he actually gains the practically limitless power that he so desires. Now that he realizes that everything is possible to him, he trashes the grand designs that he had contemplated early on, contending himself with performing conjuring tricks for kings and noblemen and taking a strange delight in using his magic to play practical jokes on simple folks. Strange as it may seem, the realization of Faustus’s ambition makes him mediocre rather than elevating him to higher levels of grandeur.The question begs; does power corrupt Faustus or is it through power that Faustus becomes mediocre? This is because Faustus’s behavior after he sells his soul hardly rises to the level of true wickedness. Rather, gaining absolute power corrupts Faustus by making him mediocre and by transforming his boundless ambition into a meaningless delight in petty celebrity. Indeed this is a paradox since at the beginning of the play; Dr. Faustus seeks to gain more grea tness from the realization of an insatiable taste to rise above manly standards of achievement.Yet, as he gains the goal, he seems to sink lower than the basest man. Could we say that he should have been content with quelling his ambitious flames, as the medieval times’ logic seemed to encourage? Saying so will mean he learns to live with his dissatisfying and unfulfilled life, which only opens the door to more emptiness in life. Extrapolating from the fore going leads us to believe that such an ambitionless lifestyle will lead him to the very state that he is now at the end of fulfilling his quest, only he would have reached there quicker than after twenty four or so years.This state is of course, the state of being mediocre. From the fore going, it appears to me that it will be misguided to believe that Faustus is a villain. I believe that it is fitting to view him as a tragic hero, a protagonist whose character flaws lead to his downfall. THESE METAPHYSICS OF MAGICIANS, AN D NECROMANTIC BOOKS ARE HEAVENLY! (1. 40–50) This is because, even from the above quote, the logic he uses to reject religion is flawed, since it leads him to use his ambition in diabolical pursuits.This plays out slowly because initially, in Faustus’s long speech after the two angels have whispered in his ears, his rhetoric outlines the modern quest for control over nature (albeit through magic rather than through science) in glowing, inspiring language. He offers a long list of impressive goals, including the acquisition of knowledge, wealth, and political power, which he believes he will achieve once he has mastered the dark arts. These are indeed impressive ambitions that inspire wonder, to say the least. However, the actual uses to which he puts his magical powers are disappointing and tawdry.Furthermore, Faustus goes on to exhibit blindness quite unlike a man of knowledge. This blindness serves as one of his defining characteristics throughout the play, and is ar guably inspired by his ambition. He chooses to see the world, as he wants to see it rather than as it is. This shunning of reality is symbolized by his insistence that Mephistopheles, who is presumably hideous, reappear as a Franciscan friar so that he may not be terrified by the devil’s true shape [as depicted by Mephistopheles’ appearance]. Faustus even ignores Mephistopheles’ urgings to him to abandon his â€Å"frivolous demands† (3. 81).It is important to note that this so-called blind ambition of Faustus had catastrophic results. The height of which led Faustus not to even realize that he had reached the limits of his quest for knowledge. In scene six, we see the limits of the demonic gifts that Faustus has been given begin to emerge. He is given the gift of knowledge, and Mephistopheles willingly tells him the secrets of astronomy, but when Faustus asks who created the world, Mephistopheles refuses to answer. Faustus does not realize that this is th e first occasion that the demon has been unable to divulge to him the knowledge he so dearly aspires to gain.I believe that if faustus had not been blindly ambitious but kept his head as he did when he mastered the knowledge of Law, Theology and Medicine, then his ambition would have led him to the following realization: that all the worldly knowledge that he has so strongly desired points inexorably upward, toward God. As it is, of course, he is completely detached from God to the point of being an atheist. This detachment started awhile back when he misread the New Testament to say that anyone who sins will be damned eternally—ignoring the verses that offer the hope of repentance.Even when he sees Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Mephistopheles appear to him and becomes suddenly afraid exclaiming, â€Å"O Faustus, they are come to fetch thy soul! † (5. 264), Faustus still decides against repenting. This behavior is attributed to the bad angel and Mephistopheles who makes him believe that it is already too late for him, a conviction that persists throughout the play. This fact is seen at the end of his days when he says, SWEET HELEN, MAKE ME IMMORTAL WITH A KISS: HER LIPS SUCKS FORTH MY SOUL, SEE WHERE IT FLIES! (12. 81–87) At this point, he has realized the terrible nature of the bargain he has made.Despite his sense of foreboding, Faustus enjoys his powers, as the delight he takes in conjuring up Helen makes clear. Faustus continues to display the same blind spots and wishful thinking in that he seeks heavenly grace in Helen’s lips, which can, at best, offer only earthly pleasure. â€Å"Make me immortal with a kiss,† he cries, even as he continues to keep his back turned to his only hope for escaping damnation namely, repentance. In conclusion, Scholar R. M. Dawkins famously remarked that Doctor Faustus tells â€Å"the story of a Renaissance man who had to pay the medieval price for being one.† While slightly simplistic, thi s quotation does get at the heart of one of the play’s central themes: the clash between the medieval world and the world of the emerging Renaissance. To Faustus, his ambitions for power worked as a corrupting influence to him so that although early in the play, before he agrees to the pact with Lucifer, Faustus is full of ideas of how to use the power that he seeks, he later uses this limitless power to achieve rather vain exploits and finally earn himself eternal damnation References: http://www. sparknotes. com/lit/doctorfaustus/themes. html

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Communication with individuals who have dementia Essay

Alzheimer’s disease Short-term memory loss is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals affected with this disease may be unable to remember things that have just happened or ask the same questions repeatedly. Individuals suffering with it can also forget people this could be just forgetting their names and eventually just forgetting who they are. This itself can cause communication issues and the individual may not know who they are talking with and on top of that may repeat the same parts of the conversation over and over as they have forgotten what has already been said. Individuals may also struggle in finding the right words or can’t remember the right word for what they want to say so it can be hard to hold a conversation. If they can’t explain what they mean properly an individual with dementia may become frustrated and this can often be dismissed as agitation or aggression. Vascular Dementia With Vascular Dementia although the causes are different to Alzheimer’s a lot of the symptoms are similar. For instance they may suffer memory loss, lose things and be disorientated. All these things can cause difficulties when communicating. There can be different symptoms of vascular dementia as different areas of the brain can be affected but most include slower thinking processes. Communication often becomes slow and the individual may find it hard to find the right word or forget what they were trying to say in the first place. This is very frustrating for them. People are often tempted to finish their sentences off for them which can lead to further frustration as its usually finished wrongly and not what they wanted to say. Read more:  Understand the Role of Communication and Interactions With Individuals Who Have Dementia Dementa with Lewy Bodies (DLB) Again this does have some common symptoms with Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia. For example memory loss and disorientation but it also has other symptoms that aren’t always found in other forms of dementia. Someone with DLB may experience visual hallucinations. This means they see things that aren’t really there. An individual experiencing hallucinations may be  extremely frightened by them and be very afraid. They are very real to the individual and should be taken seriously. It can be difficult to comfort someone with hallucinations as it can cause them a lot of distress. When the person is experiencing hallucinating it can cause communication difficulties as the person isn’t in touch with what is real and what is not as the hallucinations are very real to them. Non-verbal comfort and lots of reassurance are the best way to communicate with someone during hallucinations. Vivid dreams can also be experienced with this kind of dementia. Individuals with DLB may show different levels of alertness. There moods can change quickly from being chatty one minute to not knowing who you are the next. It is important to have flexible communication so you can respond to the individuals’ mood appropriately. An individual experiencing this form of dementia are also susceptible to falls and trips as there balance can be affected. Fronto-temporal dementia This form of dementia can be found in older people but is often found in younger people between 30 to 60. Early stage symptoms are similar to other forms of dementia. For instance communication issues such as forgetting or not understanding words or peoples’ names. There isn’t memory loss in the early stages but it seems like there is because of the communication problems. Personality changes are often common in this form of dementia. The may become extrovert when they weren’t before or vice versa, they may behaving inappropriately or lack empathy. They can behave inappropriately, for instance removing clothing in public or shouting loudly. It can seem like they are being selfish as they can lack warmth for others. The personality changes can make communication difficult. Especially for people that have known the person before they suffered with dementia. They may feel that they don’t know the person anymore and find it hard to interact with them. 1.2 Physical and mental health factors should always be considered when communicating with an individual that suffer with dementia. For instance they may have eye sight problems or not be able to hear well which can affect their ability to communicate. Hearing and vision problems should not  be over looked. Regular eye and hearing tests should be performed as an individual with dementia may not be able to communicate that there is a problem. Glasses and hearing aid batteries should be checked regularly. Someone suffering with dementia may also have problems with pain. They may find it hard to communicate what the problem is or where the pain is coming from. They may not be able to express or explain that they are in pain. Pain can cause other problems such as lack of concentration, increased memory loss, aggressive behaviour, sleeping problems and mood swings or a short temper. These are often mistaken for the persons dementia because of their lack of communication skills. It is important that people working with individuals that suffer from dementia are aware that pain could be a factor. Physical disability or illness needs to be taken into consideration. Someone who has had a stroke or has an illness like cerebral palsy may have difficulty with speech but not with memory problems. An individual with early stage dementia may understand perfectly what you are saying to them but may have difficulty communicating back. They may not be able to find the words are put the wrong words in the sentence. This can be very frustrating for them. You have to patient and let them speak without trying to finish the sentence off for them. When dealing with an individual regularly you can become familiar with the way they communicate which can make it easy for both of you. An individual suffering with dementia may experience depression or anxiety. This too can cause communication problems as it can affect how they respond to others. They may not be interested in being involved in having a conversation which can make it hard for others trying to talk to them. It can also cause reduced concentration and problems with sleeping which then can lead to more confusion. This can make communication and other forms of interactions extremely difficult. 1.3 When communicating with an individual who has sensory impairment it is important to use hand gestures, body language, facial expressions and touch. Various aids or equipment can also be used such as flash cards, pictures or sign language to help understanding. If an individual suffers from hearing loss it is important to ensure that hearing aids are fitted correctly, working properly and batteries are changed regularly. When speaking to  someone with hearing loss you need to be not too far away from them, speak clearly and don’t shout. Some individuals with hearing problems can lip read and some may be able to do sign language. Gestures and pointing to things can help and the use of flash cards could also be of use. As dementia progresses though, an individual may find it more difficult to use sign language or lip read as it becomes harder for them to remember how to do it. Glasses or contact lenses are the most common way of assisting someone who is visually impaired. You should ensure that the lenses are clean and that the individual has regular eye tests to ensure that they are wearing the right prescription glasses. An individual suffering with dementia may forge to put there glasses on so it is important to remind them to put them on. If someone has severe visual impairment you should not just suddenly begin speaking as they may not have realised you were there. Make sure that you introduce yourself when speaking so they know who it is and you don’t shock them. You may need to use touch more than what you would when speaking to someone fully sighted as they will not see facial expressions, body language and gestures. It is important to maintain good communication and interaction as some with visuals impairment suffering with dementia can find the progression of the illness very frightening. 1.4 Individuals with dementia often demonstrate problem behaviour. There are many things that may contribute to such behaviours even something as simple as an uncomfortable, loud, or stressful environment. They could be experiencing pain, or be finding it hard to communicate or carry out simple tasks or perhaps there in unfamiliar surroundings. As a carer it is important that you pick up on these kinds of situations so you can ease the discomfort of the individual quickly so as little distress is caused as possible. It is important that you remain calm yourself. Offer reassurance to the individual and be patient and relaxed. Use body language and the tone of your voice to try and calm the situation. Sometimes distraction can help, perhaps try and engage them in a different topic of conversation so they then forget that they were angry or unhappy. Sometimes carers can become stressed out or find it hard to cope with a particular individual, at these times it is best to take time out or get someone else to help you. Getting anxious or upset yourself can make their behaviour worse and it is  important not to take aggressive or problem behaviour personally. If you do find yourself becoming stressed with a situation take time out to relax. Often other individuals need to be involved when supporting an individual with dementia. These could be family and friends, carers or other professionals. For example: GP – For medical advice and health problems, help with medications and side effects Speech Therapist – To help with communication issues Social Worker – Can often provide useful background information, family history or situation Dementia Care Adviser – Offer advice and technique on ways to improve interactions Advocates – Provide information about the persons capacity and what is considered to be in there best interests and will be able to offer a view of the persons perspectives Family and friends – Can offer information about the person and tell you background information. Also may be able to offer advice about communication methods as they know the individual better 2.4 Dementia is a progressive illness and effects people suffering with it in different ways. A persons communication and interactions are most likely effected but with different levels of difficulty. People with dementia suffer different symptoms but most experience isolation due to increasing difficulty with communication. Often people assume that an individual with dementia cannot communicate and write them off if they do not get a response from them the first time instead of trying a different approach. The symptoms of dementia do often have a big impact on how a person communicates and they can often find it difficult to find the right word or repeat the same things several times. They may be confused about where they are or what time period there in which also can contribute to making communication difficult but there are different approaches that can be used. Picture cards or flash cards are a good way of finding out what an individual wants when they are unable to find the words. Also its important to watch their body language and gestures to pick up on things that they are trying to communicate. Although dementia does cause huge problems with communication it is important for care staff to support and develop new ways to get around  it. Carers and other peoples’ attitudes play a big part in the well-being of people with dementia. The best way to respond to the behaviour of an individual with dementia is by using creativity, flexibility, patience and compassion. Don’t take their behaviour personal, they have an illness that affects the way they behave. It is important to try and establish what is causing the behaviour to reduce the stress for everyone concerned. One of the following could be a factor: Medical problem, such as experiencing pain or side effects from medications – this needs to be resolved by a GP or a CPN Wandering around a lot – this is often caused by boredom or they may be trying to find something or someone. Offering regular exercise and activities can help with this Repetitive behaviour – this can be caused because they need to or like to feel busy. Give them something to do ask if they would like to help with jobs around the home make them feel important and independent. Behaviour trigger – often it can be hard to find the trigger but sometimes a more calming environment can help and distraction techniques can be used. Repetition – People with dementia often repeat the same things over and over. This can be very frustrating for carers. They may ask the same questions or do the same activity over and over again. This can be triggered by boredom or environmental factors. Try and comfort them or distract them and look out for similar behaviours or signs. Certain behaviours could indicate that they need the bathroom or that they are hungry. Incontinence – this is a common problem in people with dementia. They may not be able to find the bathroom in time and have an accident. An individual with dementia may find this very embarrassing and be upset with themselves. Be understanding and offer reassurance. This can be avoided by prompting regular trips to the toilet. Insomnia – Restlessness, agitation, disorientation and other troubling behavior in people with dementia often get worse at the end of the day and sometimes continue throughout the night. A day full of activities and discouraging daytime napping can help. With dementia trouble behaviour can simply just be part of the illness.  Carers need to be flexible with how they act to try and address any issues. 4.1  Reality orientation is about trying to keep the person suffering with dementia in the here and now by making sure the person knows who and where they are. If they become confused about things then they are corrected about anything that isn’t reality. Individuals are constantly reminded of the day, place, time and situation they are in. This approach is used as much today. Validation is part of a person centred approach. A persons confusion is accepted and carers do not tell them that their feelings are wrong or try to correct them. The approach focuses on the individuals feelings rather than what they are saying. Their expressed feelings are accepted as being valid and accepted. The idea of this approach is to build trust and increase well-being and is much more commonly used than the reality orientation approach.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Benefit Analysis in Project Management †Free Samples to Students

Allsports Sports Club is a place where many outdoor games like cricket, football and even athletics are conducted along with some indoor games like table tennis and others. The club is very much popular in the vicinity. There are many thousand members of the club who es to play these games on daily basis. A weekly newsletter is being released here on every Wednesday with articles on sports and few advertisement of outside business. The hitch is the release of this newsletter which is being supervised by Club President. The main objective of the report is to solve few technical and operational issues being faced by Club president on daily life to release the newsletter on timely basis. For which the owner has awarded us the contract to provide the solution. For the releasing of newsletter on every Wednesday, it is the duty of editor to collect and publish the articles based on the sports activities happened till last Saturday and moreover every week the editor need to change and every member need to be given equal opportunity of b ing the editor. But it remains the responsibility of Club president to see that all the members are getting equal chance. President is having only the word and spreadsheet as the software to manage the information related to many thousand members. President had to face many issues on daily basis to manage such big database. Few issues are listed below: So maintaining these information in spreadsheet needs vigorous and accurate filtering and maintain such dynamic information where every day the activities or the database need to be updated then only the next course of action can be finalised. So in such dynamic situation where daily there are ments and the whole system requirements changes accordingly the only methodology which fits in this situation is the Agile methodology of developing the system. The selected method that is Agile methodology for developing the information system of Allsports Sports Club is the best approach because it is a people centric project where every moment some ments need to be updated an again modify the system to generate the desired result (McLaughlin, 2017). So the merits of this methodology can be used with for below betterment of the system are: The sutomated system can be used to store an manage all the information related to thousands of stakeholders This methodology is the best option for this kind of changing conditions So Agile methodology option is the best approach to develop the desired system The primary required functions required to develop Allsports Sports Club System are: Unique registration ID is must for all users: so that the users who all are logging and for long they are logged in can be tracked, so that the exact work hours can be defined for the staffs to develop the publication. Verification of users: need to be done to prevent entry of any unwanted person in to the system and all the personal data shall remain intact. System must be accessible from all locations: so that members need not e to club physically for writing the articles and they can sit anywhere and write it, even after writing either they can upload in the system or e-mail to editor for further action. Proper functioning of the large database: is must to show desirable information. Window view wise access: is required to be provided depending on the person. The administrative access must be available with Club President to enable access to all folders. Generation of proper notification and follow-up system: is required for timely releasing of newsletter Always show pending tasks for the week: for developing the newsletter on time Highlight next week’s editor name from 1 week before itself: to help club president in municating with him well in advance Common format of newsletter: need to be maintained to save last minute run for the format arrangement The non-functional requirements for developing Allsports Sports Club System are: Secured enough: the system need to installed good quality firewalls to prevent from any probable attack and preserve the information related to users. Accessible from all devices: to provide flexibility to users and ease of developing the articles System must be well understandable: for proper optimum use of the software. As per (Wrike, 2017) the cost benefit analysis in the field of project management is a great tool which can provide information regarding the parison between the investment made Vs the benefits incurred due to the investment. In this technique, all the expenditures are calculated together and arranged in time phase manner, then similarly the profits or benefits are also calculated and tabulated (refer table 1). Then the difference between both the expenditures and the benefits can provide NPV (Net present value), IRR (Internal rate of Return), ROI (Return on Investment) and Pay-back period. The more NPV, IRR & ROI are positive and the less Pay-back period is good for the project and is advisable for investment. WBS or the Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical structure being developed to breakdown the total scope of work to a meaningful level which can be tracked and controlled easily and supervised (Gordon and McDonough, 2016). This tool is mainly useful for the senior management or the project sponsor to look at the progress of the project at a single sheet. So here the total scope of system development is divided in the project management processes, that is ‘Initiation’, ‘Planning’, ‘Execution’ and ‘Closing’. Then in next stage these levels are further divided in to work activity level. Now once the Gantt chart is developed, we can observe that there are merely 4 activities out of critical path, so the whole schedule is almost critical and all the activities need to be controlled properly to void any delay in the overall duration of the project. The total project duration is 3.5 months. The people who are anyways related to the project’s success or failure or can influence are known as the stakeholders of the project (Miller, 2017). Majorly the stakeholders can be sub divided in two parts; one is ‘Internal Stakeholders’ and the other ‘External Stakeholder’. The investigation techniques are required for proper tracking and confirming the process involved in the project life cycle are running well and the product shall be delivered well within time and budgeted cost. Audit of document and processes: this is the technique where the documents and the processes of projects are being checked thoroughly to find any lacunas; the audit is also scheduled at regular interval to check the system correctness and for further improvement too. This method is useful for the system development, as we are using Agile methodology and after some point of time Agile has a tendency to run out of budget if not checked at every step. Interview of individuals: it is the process of obtaining correct and unbiased information regarding the project progress or some issues. Here one to one interview is conducted with some pre- set questionnaires. It is useful for the system because the questionnaires are set by some expert in the same field and the collection of unbiased response can really help in finding any issue or the rrot cause. Discussion by organising a meeting: it is the organised official meeting being conducted between the subject experts to provide their point of view and then other can debate and after some pint of time the team of experts can reach to a mon and best consensus. It is very much useful if the participants have good exposure of the topic of discussion. The chosen methodology of the system development procedure is the real achievement of the report, as Agile can be the best fit for the type of project it is. Moreover, the investigation techniques are very strong so that each step can be verified well before providing further. Currently there is no constraint, but the budget can be constraints after some progress of the project, since Agile has a tendency to overshoot the budget due to continuous development and a clear budget cannot be finalised at very beginning of the project. It is to conclude that the schedule time and budget as o now seems to be achievable and the project is very much beneficial at this point. Gordon, Ann and Michele McDonough. 2016. What is a Work Breakdown Structure? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: McLaughlin, Mike. 2017. What Is Agile Methodology? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: Miller, Mike. 2017. Project Stakeholders: Definition, Role & Identification. [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: Wrike. 2017. What is Cost Benefit Analysis in Project Management? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. 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Sunday, July 28, 2019

W 4 OIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W 4 OIS - Essay Example Clearly, architecture is needed for a number of reasons, two of which are for the purposes of integration and standardization of an organization’s operating model (Blunt, Jones and Richard, 2003). At every point in time within the organizational development, the enterprise business model and the enterprise strategy are seen to lie apart as two independent components of the organization, that must be developed; one devoid of the other in order to bring change and success. Through architecture, there is a bridge developed between the two components of the organizational development agenda, making it possible to effectively integrate the two components into a single variable. On the issue of standardization, Blunt, Jones and Richard (2003) observed that at every point within the enterprise process such as planning, analysis, implementation, monitoring, and closure phases, it is important that a common scope of objective, aim and goal be carried out. This is necessary in ensuring that any completed enterprise or system development will be done according to a set scope. Through architecture, all these phases are given a common standardized scope to ensure that the system satisfied a uniform code (Wager, Lee and Glaser,

Development and Training Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Development and Training Paper - Essay Example On overall increase in the performance standards of the company’s staff and to undertake greater and more demanding roles account for the main reason behind development of this training program. Training needs assessment The opening up of new stores in new locations necessarily means that the company must adapt to the wide diverse demands made by the consumers at different locations. For example, stores located in the densely populated and diverse areas might require selling high proportions of specialty goods in order to cater to the requirements of the customers in that area. This means a thorough analysis of the profile of customers in that area. Moreover, stores located at diverse places would require a wide diversity of technical competencies and skills; The organization also requires an employee base with wide skill ranging who would be able to work with high flexibility and would prove to be more productivity for the purpose of the business (The Times 100, 2012). Design ing the training material The first step towards designing the training module would be set the overall goals in training. ... TESCO requires its employees to deliver high technical competence, problem solving abilities, decision making skills, and delegator skills, customer specific skills. The next step would be to decide the exact methods of attaining the learning objectives. This implies completing a course within a required time under basic supervision, addressing major problems and hurdles in the process, or delegating certain employees for undertaking the tasks. Documentation in the training process is an important step in the process, such as course grades could be allocated; written evaluations could be undertaken; decision making and problem solving approaches could be undertaken. Finally assessment and evaluation of the quality of evidence would highlight whether the required goals and objectives were achieved or not (McNamara, n.d.). Development of the training program Training would be primarily provided through internal sources. This would be provided highly sound and experienced technical prof essionals from within the company. This would primarily cater to developing the technical skill aspects of employees. The main aim would to identify the skill and knowledge gaps of employees. Employees along with their managers would identify these gaps and try to remove them by applying the training and development programs. Moreover, the training module would also try to enable employees develop such skills which help them advance in their careers. The idea would be not only to benefit the organization through the training programs but also provide career benefit to the employees at large (The Times 100, 2012). Online training could also be employed as a potential medium of training as it would be accessible for all at any point of time. Moreover, it would also act a manual for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Reflective Practice Promotes Personal And Professional Development Essay

How Reflective Practice Promotes Personal And Professional Development of Teachers - Essay Example ing nature of the basic learning needs of children, youth and adults requires a broadening of the scope of basic education and redefining it to meet the needs of changing times. The changing dynamics of the social fabric in multicultural societies across the globe have increasingly become major challenges within the education system, especially in UK secondary school system. 2. Need for teacher development The quality and standard of teaching considerably influences students’ performance. The teachers need to evolve and develop appropriate skills to suit the changing needs of the pupils and raise their achievement level. It is important to understand the nature of teachers’ learning in order to exploit their competencies and promote new initiatives in teaching methodologies. Moreover, the key objective of a teachers’ development program is to challenge the status quo of existing knowledge to evolve a more creative way of teaching effectively (Craft, 1996). Teache rs’ teaching is also influenced by their beliefs, ideas and their life experience (Borko, 2004). Moreover, teachers should also be able to communicate effectively to transfer knowledge. Their ability to communicate and their expertise in the subject are a critical paradigm that must be constantly updated to include new approaches and ideas. Effective communication promotes the retention of knowledge and the development of a critical outlook amongst the students. Effective teaching is contextual as its efficacy can only be tested in the context of learning and the environment and support within which it is imparted. Thus, environmental changes vis-a-vis advancing technology, globalization, demographic changes etc. become challenging issues for teachers that significantly impact teaching. Though,... This paper approves that the need to identify and evaluate various parameters of reflective practices becomes an essential ingredient for teacher development. At the same time, many other issues like socio-psychological factors have significant impact on the metacognitive responses of the teachers. Thus, the behaviour, attitude, beliefs, value system etc. of the teachers have increasingly emerged as crucial elements within teaching process for eliciting positive responses from the students. Teachers learn what type of behaviour and attitude motivates students for higher achievement. When they change their behaviour to suit the needs of the students, they improve their teaching. This report makes a conclusion that the role of teachers is important within the field of education as they are proactively involved in the development of children and students into responsible citizens. Their professional development becomes necessary due to the evolving dynamics of the external environment. Reflective practices in the professional development of teachers help to identify shortcomings and promote wider understanding of the various methodologies that can be used to enable teachers to become more articulate and effective in teaching. Reflective practices therefore have gained popularity due to their active learning processes that constantly motivate teachers to improve. The various facets of reflective practice as discussed, reveal their importance in the overall development of teachers and how they contribute in adding value to the teaching.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Total Monetary Sales Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Total Monetary Sales - Essay Example However, the higher prices have resulted in sales decline in terms of volume; therefore, the real sales have decreased as an outcome. In other words, the company is losing its market share. Using given information, it should be highlighted that the product line has relatively inelastic demand; therefore, the increase in prices leads to less than proportional decrease in demand. Also, it should be argued that the net marketing contribution is stable because price hikes also raise company’s profit margin, which then enable the firm to assimilate losses from decrease in sales volume. Nevertheless, the firm has increased product’s market price due to surge in costs of doing business and subsequently the inflation. However, the cost structure and pricing strategy should be brought in-line because there is reasonable room to reduce market prices. For instance, it would be better to use competitive pricing strategy, after analyzing prices of substitute products, to tempt maxim um customers towards company’s market offerings. In this way, the rationalization of market prices will help enhancing sales volume and consequently the market share. This may probably lead to increase in marketing contribution if demand increases by more than proportional decrease in prices.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Choose one promt to write about Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Choose one promt to write about - Essay Example The shrink convinces the mother that she is in danger from her husband who wants to kill her and therefore, must leave him before she gets killed. The mother and son’s living arrangements were decided by the psychologist, the mother was to stay at a motel while her son stays with her shrink’s family. The doctor manipulated the main characters in the story for them to be live lasciviously and become dependent on drugs, limiting their developments in life. The mother had an illicit affair with a female friend while the son had sexual relationship with a male patient of the doctor. After so many struggles, the mother finally had her works published and was starting to stand strong however, she found out that she was deceived by her own doctor with the money her husband sent to support their son. Consequently, she stayed away from her shrink while his son went away from her to start his own new life. The aforementioned film exemplifies the making and breaking of a mother an d son relationship which this paper will further discuss, expounding on how relationships are developed and destroyed. Relationships are very important because as social beings, people cannot avoid building relationships. More importantly, family relationships are valuable to every human being because it is in the family that basic principles about relationships are established. In the film Running with Scissors, the relationship of the mother and son was initially good. The mother was adored by her son because she has shown how much she cared for the child and the mother in turn loved and cared for her son. However, the mother and son did not quite have a good relationship with the workaholic husband and father although this seemed to draw the two together as confidants and allies. The boy grew to empathize with his mother as the abused partner so that he did little things such as preparing tea to serve her mother and show his fidelity and care. The mother influenced her son even f urther by sharing with him her every dream and involving him with her plans (Murphy). The relationship of the mother and son is obviously good in the beginning because the mother worked hard to maintain good communication between them despite their circumstance with the father. The mother shared her career plans with her son which might have been good for his learning. The son in turn looked up to her mother. The two became encouragements to each other even during tough times. As a result, they formed a strong bond. When the mother and father fought in front of the boy and the father was knocked off and fainted as he attacked his wife, the father was never seen as a victim in the eyes of the son. Instead, of getting shocked with how the mother spoke against her husband, the son instead feared for his mother’s life than his father (Murphy). This only shows how he supported and protected his mother as a result of the relationship that they formed. On the contrary, the relations hip of the mother and child could also be considered not very normal, at least on the part of the child. The mother sharing her problems with her son at a very tender age somehow made the child feel the strain that she was going through. Therefore, the son did not have a normal childhood. Instead, he seemed to have grown extremely emotionally attached to the woman so that he imitated her in most of her actions, including how she dreamily delivered her speeches. As the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Job Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Application - Essay Example I really understand that it is very important to me, so I try to do my best. I learn more about the job and its features, I talk to skillful people who do it inside of their comfort zones, and I do many efforts to fulfill it well. So, I increase my comfort zone! I try to motivate myself to improve the results of my work. I picture in my mind the successful situation which helps me achieve my aim and increase my comfort zone. I need to realize good results and to do my best to get it. So, my ideas become real, and that is the way how to operate outside of my comfort zone. 2. What is a real success Success is a condition of a person who has achieved everything that he planned in his professional and private life. Successful person operates in his comfort zone and achieves very high results inside and outside of it. The most eloquent example of my success is my work achievement, my success at the place of my job. What did I take to achieve it First, I have a good education and high professional skills which let me do my best in my job and achieve high results in it. Second, I have a real picture in my mind of my professional career, and I try to follow this picture. When I have some problems with my work, I realize that my comfort zone should be increased, so I do it and achieve high professional results.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Global Communication Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Communication Law - Essay Example It is significant to note that the first amendment does not guard statements pronounced to insult, incite people to do an illegal action, or provoke violence. In addition, the U.S law prohibits utterance of words that aim to promote religious, racial or any kind of discrimination that might lead to violence and hostility. It is against the law for a person to behave in a certain manner otherwise in private if the behavior done due to national or race origin of the other party. Such act that aims to insult, intimidate, offend, or injure other people is prohibited by the law. Freedom of expression, speech, and right to privacy may be limited in cases where they pose a risk to public safety, national security, and territorial integrity (Huffman & Trauth, 82). 2. What constitutes â€Å"obscenity† differs in many nation-states when it comes to pornographic and obscene materials. Do you think that moral-religious censorship laws in non-western societies and freedom of expression in western societies can co-exist in the global village of today? Is there something in the foreign culture that can benefit or lead to improvement of our own system? According to the U.S constitution, obscenity is defined in reference to Miller v California case decided in 1973. Therefore, obscenity refers to a situation where the work shows or explains, in a patently offensive manner, sexual conduct defined by law. Further, obscenity involves a situation where the work described lacks serious scientific, political, literary, or artistic value. U.S states treat pornographic materials as obscene because they contain sexually explicit materials that go against societal moral standards. It is rational to understand that â€Å"Half of obscene materials available on the internet comes from outside the U.S and is thus prohibited by law† (Huffman & Trauth, 99). The foreign cultures provide that no sexually explicit materials should be available or accessible to the public because it contradicts

Happening Truth Essay Example for Free

Happening Truth Essay I was wearing white, sparkly Skechers and those pants that swoosh together every time you take a step. Fourth grade was a tough year as my class moved to Proctor Elementary school and hit my awkward stage. I was taller than all my friends and my chubby cheeks overwhelmed my face. My self confidence was very low being fairly heavy for my age, I felt as if I had not excelled at anything so far. Gym class was my least favorite class because I was slower than most of the class and the year started with a dreaded test. Sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and the timed mile were in my very near future. After I made it through that week we played games and I most significantly remember playing soccer hockey. After Mrs. Magner chose the teams it was up to us 10 year-olds to choose positions. I had my back turned to him when he said it. Rachel should be goalie because she is so fat! he yelled to the class. I felt my face overcome with hotness and my heart seemed to fall into my stomach. I turned to the rest of the class and looked down at the floor but still felt their eyes on my growing body. My eyes began to water but I still took my position in the net. On the bus ride home I saw people whispering about the days events and when I got off the bus I broke down. My mom tried to comfort me with compliments but I knew those were just things she had to say. School the next day was terrifying for me and when I opened my lunch the Yodels were replaced with carrots and dip. It is hard to believe that I was so affected by this event that seems ridiculous to some. I dont hold a grudge against the boy who humiliated me that day but I am actually grateful for the experience. Today I am confident in class and I enjoy going to school with my peers. I am comfortable with my body and dont feel self conscious because I know there are more important things than a simple body type. From that day I learned that others opinions should not affect your personal outlook on life. My sister is in fifth grade and is going through the same stage I experienced so I do my best to relay what I have learned so she never needs to fear school or classmates. As a high school junior, I believe I have grasped this concept by becoming involved and improving the outlook I have on myself. Self confidence is so important coming into high school and throughout life so not one person, or minute comment like the one I heard, should interfere with that.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Target Population Essay Example for Free

Target Population Essay My Target population will vary from area to area, different people live in different areas. Some areas people of higher status and class will want high quality goods. Other areas rent could be lower so this could effect my choice of location as well. Also the time of year could effect my target population, during the summer there would be more tourists than locals, and not many people like to go out to dine during the winter. The style of the restaurant will affect the target population, how I decorate the restaurant, the choice of colours and sorts of music as well. The choice of advertising will attract different sorts of target population, if I advertised in a higher class magazine or paper, I would get customers with a higher status. If I advertised in a teen magazine I would expect teenagers to come to my restaurant. Advertising on the city radio could attract local business men or commuters to the restaurant. Also allowing people to make party bookings or reservations will help attract a wealthier target market, if they want to book the whole restaurant. To attract a good target population I may decide to set lowest possible prices for my first menu, this will capture customers. Then I could raises prices and add new meals to a next menu. To really find my target population I have decided to draw up a questionaire and ask a few members of the public to fill it out to find out what they are interested in. The Business And The Product I have chosen to start a chinese themed restaurant and I will be selling both vegatarian dishes and meat dishes. I have considered starting the business near central London, therefore aiming mostly for tourists as customers. The rent in the area is quite high so I have decided to hire just enough staff to cover floors. Staff will be trained internally by a manager, this will set high standards and will save money, also staff will learn skills they need not irrelavant skills. I will have to ask a friend to design a high class menu, asking a friend to design the menu will save some money. I will decorate the restaurant depending on my questionaire results, but if I was aiming for a higher class and tourists I would use simple decoratives, at the same time different and unique. Pricing will differ from meal to meal, and also on demand and ingredients used. Location To find a suitable place to locate my restaurant I will need to look around certain areas for cheap affordable places. The place will need to be easy to find and have easy access. I may need to look for areas new famous landmarks or sites, to attract tourists. Also location will effect availability of labour and how much salary will be. If located in a wealthy area salary will be higher. Promotion Advertising Well, I have decided to advertise in a local specialist magazine, and local paper. I chose these because they will allow me to include some information about the restaurant where as, if I was to advertise on radio not many words can be fitted in and it isnt visual. I need visual advertising so I could include a Map so customers can cut ths out and keep it so they know where to locate my restaurant. If I have the money I considered renting a billboard or producing posters to put up in the local area. This will attract a larger audience if placed by busy roads or streets and I could also include a map, but they can not cut it out and refer to it. Sales Promotion I could have special lunch offers, or issue vouchers for the next time a customer visits they could get money off. I could also offer free dishes to promote new additions to the menu. This sort of promotion could make customers want to come back since they know they are getting money off, or they might come back to try out new additions to the menu. Also this helps promote new additions to the menu so customers may want to order them next time. Direct Marketing I am also going to post menus of the restaurant to local residences alerting them a restaurant is near by. This will include a map, a telephone number incase people might consider ordering a takeaway. This sort of marketing is quite effective and could draw alot of customers to my restaurant. Public Relations I could invite people from local papers and local magazines to taste my meals, asking them to write a review about the restaurant. If the public was to read about the reviews and the reviews are good people might come just to see if the crittics are right. This is quite effective but can also have disadvantages, if the food is not too good crittics will write bad things about the restaurant.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Workforce Development and Management at Tesco

Workforce Development and Management at Tesco Working with and Leading People  (A Case Study of Tesco) Tesco is grocery store UK has declined to its lowest level for almost a decade that British consumers have defected to the German discount chains Aldi and Lidl to save money. Latest information on Kantar World Panel shows the market shares of Tesco rose from 28.7% in the 12 weeks to March 2. This is compared with 29.6% for a year and turns back the clock at the end of 2004, while the merchant was on the rise. Big four supermarket chains in the grocery market is facing pressure on the value of sales at the end of the while polarizes a flight discount Waitrose started to clean. Task 1: Be Able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures 1.1. According to Barratt and Mottershead (2000), the part of the selection in the context of whether the candidate is suitable for the culture of the company. Even if a person demonstrates the social profiles of likes, dislikes and nature, it would be wrong to add, on the basis of the decision in an interview with a mere assumptions were collected in the profile. However, the interview is a quite acceptable, the question that is personality of the interviewee to match. To ask about your personal and professional values, they are in their career path and how they manage the values of the company in uncomfortable situations before shoot responses to match the vision. 2.2: The recruitment of a new candidate, the importance of legal and ethical regulations, cannot be ignored and it is wrong to believe that the employee has appeared on their first date, when recruitment is completed. Most companies require that satisfy the people that such a probation is for both parties, that there the employees pass. Recruitment is expensive and is designed to attract and retain the best talent, as soon as possible. A Tesco worker in your business processes and enables the individual to achieve the full productivity (and profitability). In addition, the registration should start everything before the employees? The welcome pack contains which is the need of a signature can be sent by mail, and current staff to develop a new employee is their first day-log-in on your computer, for example. Beyond expectations, workers is good for admission to the program will help the company meet their. If the employees of the company, the first impression is positive, they are more li kely to remain happy in the job and has less tendency to seek other employment. (Brindley and Buckley, 2004). 1.3: Finally, maintaining the commitment of workers is to maximize the work is very important, and people feel like they are valuable to the company and to show them that their career development has an important role to play. If a person feels that there are opportunities for advancement, and their skills are considered to be not only they work hard to stay motivated, committed and productive. The three steps described here show that the recruiting never truly expires. In order to attract the best employees, companies must constantly raise the company profile. These all affect how you see and start to see training, coaching or mentoring role and how to be seen and are related to the person who is coaching or training and guidance. Your mission is to help the person to learn and improve, do not create another version of yourself. 1.4: Hire of unskilled labour and the qualified person, the company is very simple. Companies are participating, is the source of recruitment of candidates or to place ads in magazines and then waiting for the candidates to contact them. Recruitment is the most complex business processes. But the complex is not necessarily a difficult task. Properly managed recruitment, it is necessary to introduce in three stages, the first beginning before the company decided to make may be rented, and after that the employee has voltage. ; When employees are on board, they should be treated, so who will be encouraged to promote business contacts in their circle. Recruitment targets can be rented, but the choice of who to make a positive statement of the company for several years. Task 2:Understand the Styles and impact of leadership 2.1.: Theories of leadership in naturalist Tesco was the first to develop. An example of the exception was Boudicca, Queen of the Icene of ancient Britain. The default value is not belief or such amount would not have been able to learn to know, but was naturally part of their genetic heritage. It was probably hereditary (or so everyone believed)! It is one of the reasons for which a decision or aristocratic families. The scientific method has been applied in psychology, study of human behavior in a new naturalistic approach to leadership theories emerged a trait theory. Trait leadership theory assumes that leaders born, does not. But he sought to identify the personality traits associated with the best leaders, will help you to understand the leadership and identify people who take the same traits could (assumed) make good leaders. Trait theory still has its supporters. Some psychometric tools are used to recruit leaders built the idea naturally or built in functionality (Charantimath, 2 006). 2.2: Leadership functional theories are based on very different assumptions. They focus on the leaders Here it is a short leap of faith that if someone can do something like this, while others can learn how do we are now world leaders are made, not born.Free team-building policies and game ideas can help you to plan and use the games and exercises for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, adults, youth and children, work, education, or clubs and social activities and Team building activities, games, exercises and also to improve the organization of the project and the results expected and the benefits. We cannot accept responsibility for any liability, which is due to these ideas, free team or the games see warning below. Always make sure that games instead of team set up, which takes place of insurance and be especially careful when working with games for children, children and young people. 2.3.: Theories situational leadership was developed to find the good ways to adapt to the needs of the management actions in a variety of situations and conditions. The classical model of leadership is the situational capacity (or skills) and will (commitment and motivation) will lead to and then specify that the governing body following the best style. Other approaches suggest lifestyle management continued. Leadership style in this refers to a broad approach. Director of leadership style is often based on the beliefs of the Director, personality, experience, work environment and the situation at the time. Some of the leaders in the style of management jobs. Others are more flexible and adapted to the needs of different situations in the management of these theories of leadership became a management style, the notion of style. However, they focus a lot on the leader and the followers of the balance of powers. (Armstrong, 2008). 2.4: Autocratic leaders tend to make decisions and put them in others. They often believe that they are best placed to make decisions for the other power. These leaders have certain personality traits, such as the need for control of situations. Autocratic leadership is suitable for certain situations, such as in emergency situations, or time critical circumstances. But they tend to feed other people or to get the best results from your supporters, who are capable and motivated and Leaders participatory to consult and involve them in the decision-making process. They can make the final decision, but they are showing respect for the account of other consulting services, as well as the ability to listen. Starting points, the default value is that he appreciates generally supporters who reciprocate by being loyal and committed and participatory leadership to develop others and build a common direction leading to a common vision and common goals. Participatory leaders accept leadership as often facilitation style. In other words, they empower and encourage others to make decisions, Act and to function normally within the defined limits. Task 3:Be able to work effectively in a team 3.1.: Important team Tesco work can be neglected for the team, building games, exercises and activities available on this site Web.Construire of games, exercises and activities to help build the team, motivation, develop, improve group communication and is fun for consortia, organizations, children and even a celebration of childrens development and team building games, exercises and heats of action in meetings, conferences, training and make it easier to improve. (Armstrong and Baron, 2002) Free team-building policies and game ideas can help you to plan and use the games and exercises for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, adults, youth and children, work, education, or clubs and social activities and Team building activities, games, exercises and also to improve the organization of the project and the results expected and the benefits. We cannot accept responsibility for any liability, which is due to these ideas, free team or the games see warning below. Always make sure that games instead of team set up, which takes place of insurance and be especially careful when working with games for children, children and young people. To the extent possible, the development of a top up by providing mentoring and promotion coaching (drawing-mis), which is very effective with excellent, a part of the production. With an appropriate guidance and counselling is used in the formal structure of the training anyway, but support can also be a great help to the development of the whole person, especially if the mentor or coach is regarded as a role model, special efforts. It is important that the leader to understand yourself well before the coach or train or mentor others to: 3.2.: Working in the Tesco is dependent on the leader and good team workmakes things happen, more than any other organization. Teamwork is encouraged to respect, encourage, inspire and management. The teams come from big clubs, when they decide to do it yourself, not because someone says so. Something to inspire them, perhaps, but ultimately decided the team. It is a team thing. It must be. The team says: OK . We will not be able to tell the difference. We have the best in what we do. Find each other and prosper in the American team. And we make sure we have a lot of fun with the whole team starts to move mountains. People are motivated by the best, if you can get them to plan and decide on action-ask-them. Second, you can get the front in the Organization, if the purpose is to develop your own possibilities to find exactly what they are doing and learning. Games can be boring or condescending to many people they want action that will help them to learn and to develop in areas that inter est them without worrying about work stuff please ask. When you ask people in general, you have a number of proposals which can be put in place a set of experiences that people or participate in turn during the day or in the team (, 13) (James, 2008) and (Armstrong, 2000 )). 3.3.: The effectiveness of the work of the team is to reach the objective is very important, and those who have specific skills or interests is, in fact, that among the workers they enjoy sharing with others activity good team can be built with many hobbies and interests. If you are planning a full day of activities throughout the day, games, the construction of the spirit of the group is the waste throughout the day. Find ways to offer an attractive combination of action and help them achieve and learn more about and perhaps the accumulation of forests focuses on one or two real challenges or the workshop . Maybe a little of your leadership in the planning of the day workers (or according to applicable ) the level of proficiency for the benefit of their development and it (Deb, 2006). 3.4.: Team building exercises and offers a wonderful opportunity of consciousness raises and the participation of ethical organizations. These modern business ideas and concepts for the sustainable development of the trade fair social responsibility, triple bottom line, love, compassion, humanity and spirituality, etc. is yet to be defined or understood: people are not aware of what has all means for them one at the time and the Organization as a whole, even if most people instinctively interested in the principles. Group tasks and discussions to help bring clarity and idealistic concepts, such as the ethical and social responsibility more effective than the theory of reading or trying to come up with a new idea of business to embrace the airy fairy, person, place and issued orders. A fundamental change is coming, with support from the top, of course, but the success is, at the end of an account successfully, because people recognize and see the change, it is not. Task 4: Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals 4.1.: The importance of planning and follow-up, Tesco cannot be ignored and there is no limit to the development of training this is something that will help the person with ability in skills, confidence, tolerance, commitment, initiative, interpersonal relationships, understanding of self-control, motivation to grow (if you look at the really powerful people, perhaps they executives technicians, operators, attributes, in any role, which is particularly important in the properties are likely to be more inclined to good students. And skills, as well as available to the public, in order to ensure that processes are much more helpful Attitude includes features that require a different training and learning methods. The attitude is due to his thoughts, beliefs, emotional maturity, self-confidence and experience. It is the largest formation and the challenges of development, and there are better ways to achieve change and development, which has brought the people to the class room, or produce more than normal business or education, which may see a chore. 4.2.: For this reason, the teaching and learning has expanded well beyond the traditional courses of follow up the course. Be creative, innovative and an open mind, and you will see, learning, itself, is almost a new group or organization. If you want to make a difference, think about what helps really people to change. Managers and leaders in the education and training of their peoples and to develop the people, it will improve performance, raises morale; training and development of people with more health and productivity of the Organization and the effectiveness of the company. Director of ethics and behavior of the people at the top, that determines how productive, they will use their knowledge and skills. Training is nothing without the motivation to implement effectively. Strong ability to plan and manage your knowledge and skills, motivation and attitude, the acquisition, largely determines the way in which working people. To ensure that important, skills, techniques and knowledge have been trained, but to remember him is after most efforts of education and the resources to focus on these tools and processes to stop the training. Go after the help people grow and develop people as human beings humans. 4.3.: The Foundation of all that are experienced by all employees take for granted: the changes are; At the announcement of the grid. What is the holiday routine, a disease where the canteen; what is the dress code; the work is. New employees are also the mission of the Organization, objectives and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety at work and, of course, they need eliminate methods, annexed and expectations. Administrations shall ensure that due to plan regular induction training is to provide to each new employee and all parties concerned, so that they can see what is happening and everything which is associated to the. Prepare and give the plan of induction, which is required for each of the new starter. Conclusion We can easily deduct from above to know its role is not defined as a human being or an organization, and because the companys policy could be developed for each of the reasons, to take their work and ask for the role, in addition to the requirements of the public authorities and, in addition, separately. You have insufficient skills? Companies need help or advice in areas of importance is to educate, coach, mentor for others? What is a style? How can communicate. These all affect how you see and start to see training, coaching or mentoring role and how to be seen and are related to the person who is coaching or training and guidance. Your mission is to help the person to learn and improve, do not create another version of yourself. When you understand your self, you understand, how can you understand the best way to communicate and how best to help others to grow and learn and develop. References: Allen, B, Holland, P., Dnonhue, R., Pyman, A. and Sheehan, C. (2012) Contemporary Issues and Challenges in HRM, 2nd ed. USA: The University Press Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. US: Kogan Page Limited. Armstrong, M. (2008) Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. 4th ed. UK: Kogan Page. Armstrong, M. (2010) Armstrongs Essential Human Resource Management Practice: A Guide to PeopleManagement. UK: Kogan Page Limited Armstrong, M. and Baron, A. (2002) Strategic HRM: The Key to Improved Business Performance. UK:CIPD Aryee, S. And Budhwar, P. (2008) An Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management. UK: CIPD Charantimath, P. (2006) Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business Enterprise. New Delhi, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Cornelius, N. (2001) Human Resource Management: A Managerial Perspective. UK: Thomson Deb, T. (2006) Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management. New Delhi, India: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. (2005) Human Resources management strategies to support organizational changes† online available at [Accessed: 9th February, 2014] Dhar, R. (2008) Strategic Human Resource Management. New Delhi, India: Excel Books Durai, P. (2010) Human Resource Management. New Delhi, India: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Macgregor, R. And McGeehan, L. (2010) Human Resources: Legislation in the Workplace. Online available at [Accessed: 8th February, 2014] Pedler, M. (2008) Action Learning for Managers.UK: TJ International Ltd. Sims, R. (2007) Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc. (2014) Five Components of a Human Resource Management System. Online available at [Accessed: 7th February, 2014]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Role of Economics in Sports :: Economy Papers

"Money makes the world go 'round." Sports could not exist without the presence of money. You have high paid athletes asking for multi-million dollar contacts, while at the same time you have doctors not even making close to that amount. There are corporations buying out sports teams, buying stadiums, and buying everything that has to do with sports. Someone may ask why they do this. Sports are one of the most profitable industries in the world. Everyone wants to get their hand on a piece of the action. Those individuals and industries that spend hundreds of millions of dollars on these sports teams are hoping to make a profit, but it may be an indirect profit. It could be a profit for the sports club, or it could be a promotion for another organization (i.e. Rupert Murdoch, FOX). The economics involved with sports has drastically changed over the last ten years. In the United States, we spend about 13% of all money on sports and entertainment. Sports has obviously done its job; entertained and drained money out of our pockets. A young boy goes up to his mother and says, "Mommy! I want to be a baseball player!" If this was said in 1930, the boy's mother probably would have told the boy, "That's not future for you! You need to get a real job and make good money." If this was said in 1999, the boy's mother probably would have said, "Let's go to the store and buy you a baseball glove so you can start to practice." It is visible to every sports fan that in the past few decades, sports has undergone a whole new renovation. It isn't just an activity that is played for fun. It is a business in which owner and players attempt to coincide. It is a business where TV controls fan interest. It is also a business that affects many people's lives, both monetary and living aspects. There are many aspects that are involved with the economics of sport. Each one having unique qualities that adds to the greatest source of entertainment. Economics is the study of how best to allocate scarce resources throughout an entire market. Economics affect our lives on a daily basis, whether it is on a business level or a personal level.

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Life, it is often said, is the greatest mystery. How many times throughout our lives do we pause and ask ourselves: Why are we here? What is our purpose? Or some other infinitely ponderous question. Here and now, as we stand teetering upon a great threshold welcoming us into a whole new realm of independence, is no exception. Tonight the many mysteries of life hang over us, but instead of casting a shadow, they are illuminating our world and setting a glow in our eyes and in our hearts. If you think there is no mystery around you now, I invite you to ask yourself: How did we get here? Can you recall the specifics? When we were full of hope, who shared in our elation? What will we do now? For some, the answer to that last question is simple. Some of us are looking ahead to work or furthering our education and others are looking no farther than this summer or even later tonight. But what about ten years from now? Twenty? All that we do now directly affects every coming second, just as all that we have done in the past has brought us to this point. Along the way there has been roc...

Friday, July 19, 2019

ADHD in Females Essay -- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD in Females Grace is a second grader. She sits quietly with her hand folded in front of her and watches tv. She sees Dumbo and thinks of the stuffed elephant on her bed. She remembers her brother winning it for her at a carnival, where she got to ride a pony and eat cotton candy. A few minutes pass, and Grace has no idea what is happening around her or on the cartoon. She is not worried, because there really isn't a time that her mind is not wandering. Grace is a well mannered little girl, but suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Like most girls with ADHD, she is not physically hyperactive like the common misconception of people with ADHD. She represents a quarter of the undiagnosed cases of ADHD in females (1). According to the site "What is ADHD..." to be diagnosed as ADHD, a person must fit at least six of the following hyperactive/ impulsive characteristic: often fidgets with hands or squirms in seat; often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected; often runs about or climbs excessively in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents and adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness); often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly; is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor" Ã ¡ often talks excessively; often blurts out answers before questions have been completed; Ã ¡ often has difficulty awaiting turn; often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g. butts into conversations or games) Hyperactivity and impulsiveness are not both needed to be ADHD. An ADHD individual without hyperactivity is interchangably referred to as ADD, which most ADHD females are. Between 3 and 5% of sc... ...Sources 1)What is ADHD?: A General Overview, An extensive and informative site about living with and diagnosing ADHD. 2) ADDvances in Research on Women with ADD, An interview with Sari Solden, M.S. . 3) Subtle Brain Circuit Abnormalities Confirmed In ADHD . 4) Health- Information center on various diseases. . 5)The Disability Named ADD A webstie sponsored by C.H.A.D.D. . 6) Feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, scattered? For women with ADD. . 7) Pet Scan of ADHD vs. non-ADHD brains .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What Makes a Good Coach

SPORTS COACHING What makes a good coach? Coaches can come in all shape and sizes and use a variety of techniques and methods. Some may be great tacticians with a deep knowledge of the sport whereas others may be great motivators. But whether it candlin or capello all coaches have roles and responsibility in order to make them effective leaders. †¢In a coaching role it is needed for you to develop the skills of organising, safety, providing instruction, explanation, and demonstrating, observing, analysing and providing feedback. There are number of roles and responsibilities that a coach must maintain. A number of roles are included and many more are involved. †¢Roles that a good coach may display are : Innovator- sport is constantly changing and it is down to the coach to adapt to those changes, whether it’s a change to the rules a change environment or a change in personnel, it is down to the coach to solve the problems that they may encounter. good coach will draw on past experiences and their knowledge of the sport, or in some cases other sports, to come up with new ideas and approaches, whether this be to make training more fun and effective, push an athlete to new levels, adapt to new rules such as the way rugby coaches had to adapt some tactics when ELV’S were introduced or whether its just to keep up rivals. A good coach will always be thinking about what they can do different,, a famous quote says â€Å"if you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got† basically if you do the same thing all the time you will always get the same results you will never improve, it coaching is about development and improvement so there is a need for coaches to be bold enough to try new things in order to improve performance and results. Top level coaches have access to a wide verity of resources such as sports scientists ,psychologists, and technical knowledge, and should use this to create new and innovate approaches/ tactics to gain every possible advantage, for example London wasps and Wales coach Shaun Edwards brought the technique of blitz defence to prominence in rugby union, The Blitz defence relies on the whole defensive line moving forward towards their marked man as one as soon as the ball leaves the base of a ruck or maul. The charge is usually led by the inside centre. The idea of this technique is to prevent the attacking team gaining any ground by tackling them behind the gain line and forcing interceptions and charged down kicks. However, the defending team can be vulnerable to chip kicks and any player breaking the defensive line will have lots of space to play because the defences are running the other way and must stop, turn and chase. In many ways, the blitz is similar to the defence used in rugby league, a sport that Edwards had a significant background in, the technique has had great success for London Wasps with the team winning the Heineken Cup in 2003-04 and 2006-07, the Premiership title in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2008 and the Anglo-Welsh Cup in 2006. Not only this, but this style of defence played a significant role in the 2008 Six Nations Grand Slam for the Welsh national team, who conceded only two tries over five games. This shows that innovative techniques developed form a knowledge of a verity of sporting backgrounds can be successful, in some cases innovation is needed on a different level rather than improving performance, in some cases it is needed to break social barrier, this arguable goes beyond the role of a good coach but an extra ordinary coach, don Haskins was the coach of Texas western collaged basketball team in the 1960s, a time of racial oppression for black people, however in the 1965-6 season, despite controversy and abuse, Hoskins build his team around choosing the best players regardless of race , in a time where teams would only use one or 2 token black players, Hoskins defied prejudice and made history by winning the NCAA Men's Division I men's basketball championship in 1966, becoming the first team with an all black starting five to win an NCAA basketball National Championship. The Miners defeated Kentucky 72-65 in the historic championship game, both examples show how innovation can work on different levels and how it impacts on sport, innovation is needed at all levels of sport whether it is just to make training more fun or to change the face of a sport, effective coaches will always find time to reflect on both their coaching and where necessary return to the role of a learner to further develop and improve their own knowledge and professional development to learn from coaches in other sports, such as in 2006 when the British lions coaching staff employed former freestyle wrestler Paul Stridgeon as a contact coach as a way to improve tackling by using techniques associated normally associated with wrestling Role Model – coaching is no longer just about improving performances, increasingly it is becoming about shaping a person, performers come from a verity of backgrounds and have different reasons for part, but typically watch and copy the actions of their coach, or in basic terms â€Å" monkey see monkey do† if a coach conducts themselves in a positive manner and maintains a strong work ethic and plays fair these characteristics are likely to rub off on the performer and the coach has had a positive effect on their performer/ athlete ,however if a coach acts in a negative way such as being brash cocky arrogant with a low regard for sporting etiquette then theses traits are also likely to rub off on the performer and the coach will have had a negative effect, especially with young performers who may look to the coach as for guidance and advice on a verity of issue thus making the coach a very influential individual. It is therefore important that a coach uses good practice in all they say and do, a coach should behave in a way that earns and maintains respect on a high level. Coaches have the potential to exert great influence on their team/ athletes, so therefore a coach must ensure that this influence is positive and not only improve the performance but improve the person, , a good role model will encourage fair play and sportsman ship to be of the same importance as results, Friend- coaches and performers spend a lot of time together. They share both positive and negative experiences with each other, and they will have to do this in a friendly and respectful environment, the performance environment can be extremely tough at times and athletes need someone to talk to help them cope with the demands of training and competing. The friend coach is needed to pick up they pieces after a difficult or disappointing performance and may need to be the outlet of emotion. The coach should help keep their performers feet on the ground in order for them to be successful. A coach that can be seen as a friend may be able to motivate a performer better than a coach who is seen as unapproachable, in most cases the performer will be highly self motivated and come for training / coaching sessions because they enjoy the sport and enjoy learning from the coaching experiences they get from the coach, however it is up to the coach to manage this environment in a way that maintains self motivation for the performer. To achieve this a good coach thinks about what motivates and drives their performer to perform to their best. Understanding why a person takes part in sport will enable a coach to create a coaching environment that is best suited to maintaining his/her motivation. This outcome can be achieved easier if the performer considers their coach their friend as they are more likely to open up and share their feelings and experiences with each other theses can then be implemented in the coaching environment where appropriate. An example of friendship between coach and performer be jonny Wilkinson and the friend ship he developed with 3 key coaches in his career : his Newcastle falcons coach rob Andrew, his kicking coach rob Andrew, and his fitness coach Steve black, all three have been able to develop a personal relationship with Wilkinson and have been able to use their friendship to pass on their experiences and further develop his career especially black who helped Wilkinson develop his work ethic towards training and perfection, Trainer- all performers need training whatever level they are at, it is the role of a good coach to provide that training. The coach’s role as a trainer is related to ensuring that their performers are able to meet physical demands of the sport they are competing in, in addition there is an ever increasing need for coaches to help performers meet the psychological demands of competitive sport, especially in an age where media attention on sports stars and the prizes have never been greater , for example a cricketer competing in India’s ipl can expect to win up to $1million if their team wins the tournament, this creates unimaginable amounts of pressure which could affect performance if not dealt with properly. Therefore the coach must be able to help a performer deal with this as a result there are more teams and athletes than ever that seek the assistance of a sports physiologist in their coaching staff , it is up to the coach to devise training schedules that help to develop the performers abilities both physically and mentally. The most common perception of the role of a trainer is the physical development of their performers. every sport places a physical demand on performers , there is evidence to support the belief that a performer cannot only improve sporting performance by focusing on developing sport specific fitness levels , but also improve their all-round health and well –being through well planned and well structured training schedules. A good coach should have a good understanding of the different fitness components , they should be able to devise training programmes/schedules, with clear progression and technical development that allows the performer to maintain and further develop all round good health , fitness and psychological wellbeing in order to cope with demands of their sport, It is vital for any coach to take on a series of responsibilities, like the role of a manager, there are many responsibilities included that a coach must apply in order for their performer/team to play safely/ legally , with no risks. It’s not just the coach who needs to focus on the responsibilities of the performers but it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety of all within the sport. Some of the main responsibilities of a coach are : Health and Safety – all coaching sessions should take place with consideration being given to health and safety issues. they should take place in a safe environment that minimises risk and maximises benefit. Coaches are responsible for the health and safety of their performers/team. Coaches should have access to first aid facilities and able to have contact with the emergency services in the event of an emergency . the health a safety responsibilities can be split into three main components: safety of facilities – when preparing a session a coach must take into consideration the facilities in which the session is to take place e. g. is it safe to hold a contact session in rugby on a hot day when the ground is very hard,. A coach must ensure the activity can be done safely within the area with the equipment available, a coach must be aware of emergency procedures that need to be followed and what to do in the event of an emergency, basically the coach must undertake a full risk assessment of the area and ensure they know how to deal with any incident that may arise. Safety of the activity- a good coach should select practices that are safe and technically correct. Activities should not pos unnecessary risk to the performer. When selecting activities a coach should take into consideration that performers must undertake a thorough and appropriate warm up before physical activity, performers should not be made to perform activities they are not physically or technically capable of, activities should allways remain within the rules of the sport e. g. f doing a tackling session in rugby the same rules should be applied as in a game no high tackles no spearing or dangerous tackling, activities that are unsa fe not technically correct or go against the rules of the sport should never be allowed. safety of the performer – if a coach appropriately addresses the safety issues related to the venue, equipment, and selected activities, the safety of the performer will have been addressed. However the coach should still remain aware of potential risks so that the safety of the perfomer is never compromised. Professional conduct The coach is person of authority and power, therefore it is important that a coach knows how to use this authority and power in the right way and not to abuse it. Unfortunately however there have been coaches that have used their position to achieve unfair and inappropriate gains, trailing 6-5 During the quarter final of the 2009 Heineken Cup against Leinster, Harlequins wing Tom Williams came off the field with what turned out to be a faked blood injury in order to facilitate a tactical substitution , that allowed fly half nick evens to return the pitch after already being replaced to the pitch, it turned out to be ordered by director of rugby Dean Richards, so that quins had a goal kicker back on the pitch the plan nearly payed off when quins took a late attempt at goal but evens missed. this was a gross abuse of the rules and severe action was taken against both harlequins and Richards, Richards has been banned from taking part in rugby in any way for 2 years. It is a coaches responsibility to ensure they behave in an appropriate manner and practice within the boundaries of acceptability at all times. Coaches should demonstrate a profession al approach to their performers and ensure that they are are fair, honest and considerate to the performers needs, like many professions coaching promotes a code of conduct . this ensures coaches act in an ethical and professional manner at all times. The uk sport code of coaching conduct stresses the importance of of: †¢Rights; to respect and champion the rights of everyone in sport †¢Relationships; to develop professional honest relationships with performers †¢Responsibility; to demonstrate appropriate professional behavior and conduct and achieve a high level of competence through qualifications and continued professional development Professional conduct is important as a coach must behave in an appropriate manner or they risk losing the respect of the performers, lose respect and expect to be losing your job! Good coaches should always act professionally All coaches need to be able to carry out a series of skills to be considered as a good coach. Communication – communication is a key skill for any coach perhaps even the most important, a coach may be an expert tactician but what use is that if they can’t communicate with their performers . performers need to understand what is needed from them, a coach should be able to explain a task in clear and composed voice, some coaches believe this is enough however there is a lot more to it. Communication is a 2 way process giving a signal, whether it be verbal or non verbal, is just as important as it being received, so that it can be listened to and understood. How the coach send the signal can have a big impact on how effective the signal is. Coaches communicate in two main ways :verbal: characterised by the use of the spoken word, and most coaches are defiantly able to talk, especially if your name is roy keane or Brendan venter ! Varying the pace, tone and volume of what is said can be key getting a message across. Also remember that that repetitive shouting does not make communication more effective, it may infact have a negative effect as the performer may find it boring and start ignoring it. Non verbal: involves alternative ways of sending a signal, gesture facial expressions and body language are the most common, a lot of coaches are les adept at using non verbal communication , effective non verbal communication is a sign of a good coach, a well timed facial expression can say more than a thousand words. In competitive situations non verbal communication may be the only way of communication with performers. If you want to see a good non verbal Ferguson. Constantly in a game a coach will be communicating with their performers. Never ever will a coach not be communicating with them, its key to speak to your performers, you also need to be able to give effective non verbal commands To be a good coach here are some good communication points, that can be looked at: Organisation – : An effective coach is well organised. Organisation is important, for performers need someone to organises training sessions/ programmes, and fixtures. In a lot of cases this role falls to the coach. Even before a session begins a good coach should be well organised, they should know what they are going to to, farcicalities ad equipment needed, what drills will be carried out and who is going to be coached e. g. if there is a performer who is coming back from an injury or someone who has a big game/ race in the next few days should have a different session planned by the coach. Good organisation before a coaching session will ensure the session runs smoothly and that everyones is doing the right thing in the right place at the right time. A lot of coaches will say that the administration side of the job is the least enjoyable part . however organisation is of equal importance to the other aspects of coaching if not more important, without organisation there is no training or fixtures . It goes without saying , a coaching session cannot take place without the facilities and equipment being booked, equally a participant cannot compete unless they have actually been entered . a good coach may reduce their workload by delegating the organisational aspects to parents or other club members. This allows for the coach to focus more of their time on the actual coaching aspect of their job. If you need some tips improve your organisation as a coach read below Evaluation- a good coach will always be willing and keen to pass comment on the performers ability and performance. And will always be assessing what has gone well and what needs to be improved to better that performance. An example of this is former England rugby coach would always look to find the positives his team’s performance, must of been hard considering that under his reign England were usually on the wrong end of terrible results! However a good coach should also be evaluating their own performance but coaches rarely will, and if they do, they will usually only focus on what has gone well . for evaluation to be effective it needs to be impartial and clearly identify not only what went well but what didn’t go so well and needs to be improved. Honesty is key to any evaluation it will allow the coach to learn from their own mistakes and improve their coaching skills thus benefitting their performer As we know that coaches needs to develop a lot of roles, responsibilities and skills to be an excellent and successful coach. It’s has been looked at that a coach s needs to be evaluating their performers progression in whatever they do. If we were to analyse a what make a good coach there are many aspects we need to look at, such as health and safety, communication ,these aspects couldn’t possibly be stressed enough. There is then also organisation building long and short term plans for the performer, making sure that there stay interested and done feel tired and fed up with what is being done by the coach. Friend ship is also key a coach who is a friend can have much more impact than a coach who is just an outsider . coach also needs to show they have knowledge and experience of the sport that they are doing. A knowledgeable coach is always a good coach. A coach always needs to see the bigger picture and relay the ideas the coach has on to the performers and then the feedback comes back from the performers and then the coach can see then what went wrong with what there just did, that covers evaluation. In conclusion there is not one aspect that creates a good coach, as each aspect is of equal importance. in fact to be a good coach you need All the responsibilities, roles and skills come to together nicely; this shows what makes a good coach and how achieve able they may come.